Photo - Carlos Walters
Photo - Carlos Walters
Such a brilliant two weeks! 5 sold out shows with Alfalfa supporting Parcels on their Australian tour:
- Brisbane @ The Triffid
- The Brunswick Hotel
- Sydney @ The Metro Theatre
- 2 shows in Melbourne @ 170 Russells
Parcels are absolutely popping in every way`, I think they’re quite possibly the tightest band out and about at the moment. Touring with the sprouts was a dream, learning the kooking parts of each other and laughing non stop. We ate so much ramen and made sure our outfits were clean for 2 of the 5 shows…
Looking forward to sharing a single from Alfalfa in the not too distant future.
More gigs are coming as well!
Stay hydrated and make sure you eat your Alfalfa sprouts responsibly!